<%@Language=JScript %> Kobolds
Dragon Mountain
Ecology of the goblin
Ecology of the kobold
Kobold (Dungeons and Dragons)
Kobold (Wiki)
Kobolds in gaming
Tucker's Kobolds
<% // Kobolds

Some info from Races of the Dragon

The Kobold campaign has started. Rather than following the reverse dungeon path, the party has been flung into a large city of dangerous foes, and is scurrying about in the shadows.
Access secured for author
<% if(String(Request("REMOTE_ADDR")).toLowerCase()!="") { Response.End(); } %>

Idea / Pitch for Adventure Webpage Campaign
Kobold Campaign, a Reverse Dungeon


Mayor (or better term) List of 5 names
A retired adventurer
Not good aligned (how to prevent info - necklace or whatever, undetectable alignment and scrying)

The small town / village of (name) was not doing well. It had come upon hard enconomic times, between the humanoid raids, the increased taxes (?), and the general lack of any decent production.

The mayor thought long and hard, and came up with an idea. Why not dungeon tourism? It seems like the ideal racket... Spread rumors through the minstrels and bards, bring people into town, and get new business for the tavern, the bank, the general shop, the blacksmith, and then send them on their way to local dungeons for a referral fee. Let the local humanoids do their dirty work, divest the adventurers of their hard earned loot and gear, and sell the gear back to the next batch of adventurers.


Now the hard part... To find some humanoids to do the dirty work.


The local watering hole, selling high priced drinks, overly expensive rations, outrageous room rates, and...

When newcomers enter, they will be greeted cheerily by the tavern help, and rather efficiently appraised by the tavern keep. They will also be scanned by detect magic, and true seeing. The threat versus reward is estimated, and the appropriate rumors disseminated.

"Oh, you look like some fairly new adventurers... I hear that there are some good places to make your fortune...."
Recently an opening occurred
And why do townfolk care?
Underdark - Caverns and Tunnels linked in a network
Small Town --- Temple --- Tavern --- Shopkeep --- Dungeon --- Dungeon --- Dungeon --- Blacksmith
The business of the small tavern (small town) is dungeon tourism
Specialize in outfitting adventurers and selling services to them
Payment to local priests. Local priesthood a relatively greedy sect. Charging for heals, rez, etc.
Large and flamboyant welcome sign